Amendment to Arbitration Law

Cabinet approves arbitration law amendments for expeditious case disposal, cost-effective arbitration

Union Cabinet approves amendments to arbitration law, with an aim to ensure neutrality of arbitrators, expeditious disposal of cases, making arbitration more user friendly & cost effective; Amendments include disqualification of arbitrator if he has any relationship or interest in the matter, insertion of a provision for fast track procedure for conducting arbitration; Also includes amendment to Section 34 relating to grounds for challenge of an arbitral award, to restrict the term “Public Policy of India” (as a ground for challenging the award) by explaining that only where making of award was induced or affected by fraud or corruption, or it is in contravention with the fundamental policy of Indian Law or is in conflict with the most basic notions of morality or justice, the award shall be treated as against Public Policy of India; Amendments seek insertion of a new provision that Arbitral Tribunal shall make its award within a period of 12 months and if the award is made within a period of six months, arbitrator may get additional fees if the parties so agree; New provision inserted to provide that application to challenge the award is to be disposed of by the Court within 1 year, thereby ensuring speedy disposal of cases; New Section 31A to be added for providing comprehensive provisions for costs regime, applicable both to arbitrators as well as related litigation in Court, that will avoid frivolous and meritless litigation/arbitration; Amendments also empower Arbitral tribunal to grant all kinds of interim measures which the Court is empowered to grant : Govt. Press Release