Company Law Settlement Scheme 2014 extended upto 31.12.2014

Short Title, Extent, Commencement and Application

Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India has issued General Circular No. 44/2014 dated 14th Nov., 2014 regarding extension of date of Company Law Settlement Scheme, 2014 i.e. CLSS-2014.

In continuation to the Ministry’s General CircularNo. 34/2014 dated 12.08.2014 and 40/2014 dated 15/10/2014 on the subject cited above, this Ministry has, on consideration of requests received from various stakeholders, has decided to extend the Company Law Settlement Scheme (CLSS-2014) up to 31st December, 2014.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
The General Circular regarding Extension of dated for Company Law Settlement Scheme (CLSS-2014) is as under :
