Employee stock option scheme


  1. employer stock option means any specified securities or  sweat  equity shares , allotted or transferred  by the present or former employer ,to the employee, directly or indirectly, either free of cost or at a concessional price.
  2. “specified security” means securities as defined in securities contracts (regulation)act ,1956 and where employees stock option has been granted under any plan or scheme , includes securities offered under such plan /scheme.
  3. sweat equity shares means equity shares issued by a company to its employees or  directors ,at a discount or for consideration other than cash for providing know how or making available intellectual property rights, or value addition by whatever name called
  4. value of he security or sweat equity shares = FMV of the security/sweat  equity shares as on the date of exercise of  option  less : amount recovered from the employee
  5. FMV-Fair market value means the value determined n the prescribed manner (see table below)
  6. OPTION means a right but not an obligation granted to an employee , to apply for the specified security or sweat equity shares ,at a pre –determined price.

Determination of FMV of ESOP (rule 40C ) the fair market value shall be determined as under-

Particulars Fair market value
1.       Shares of an unlisted company As determined by a merchant banker on the specified date .
2.       Shares of a listed companya. Trading on the date of vesting of option:
Listed in one recognized stock  exchange Average of opening and closing price on the date of exercising of option.
Listed in more than  one recognized stock exchange Average of opening and closing  price in the stock exchange that records the highest  volume of trading in shares on the date of exercising of option.
b.      No trading on the date of vesting of option
·         Listed in one recognized stock exchanges Closing price of the shares on any recognized stock exchange on a date closest and immediately preceeding the data of exercising
Listed in more than one  recognized stock exchanges Closing price of the shares on any recocnisd stock exchange on a date closest and immediately preceeding the data of exercising in the stock exchange that records the highest volume of trading in shares.
3.       FMV of specified security ,not being an equity in the company (rule 40 D) As  determined by a merchant banker on the specified date (notification no. 11/2008 dt 18.01.2008)