GST Bill Tabled In Uttarakhand Assembly

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill was tabled in Uttarakhand Assembly today during a special two-day session of the House convened for the purpose of passing the proposed legislation.
Introducing the bill in the Assembly, state Finance Minister Prakash Pant said its passage by the House was necessary in view of a uniform tax regime coming into force across the country from July 1.
As per the recommendation of the GST council, all state assemblies are required to pass the bill before July 1, when the GST comes into effect throughout the country.
GST, which will replace a plethora of central and state taxes, is a consumption based tax levied on sale, manufacture and consumption on goods and services at a national level.
Under it, C-GST will be levied by the Centre, S-GST by states and I-GST on inter-state supply of goods and services.
Different indirect taxes of central excise duty, central sales tax CST and service tax are to be merged with C-GST while S-GST will subsume state sales tax, VAT, luxury tax and entertainment tax.

Source :  NDTV