F.No. 385/17/2016-IT(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Central Board of Direct Taxes
New Delhi, Dated: 01.07.2016
All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income Tax.
Sir/ Madam,
Subject: – Publicity material for Income Declaration Scheme, 2016.
Kindly recall the Video Conference held on 25.06.2016 where the strategies to give wide publicity to the Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 were discussed.
In this regard it is informed that a pamphlet and a poster issued by Directorate of Income Tax (PR, PP &OL) on the Scheme have been uploaded on the National Website of the Department and placed in the Section titled “IDS-2016! New”. It is requested that while the pamphlets and posters are being printed centrally for distribution to all Regions, these may meanwhile be downloaded and got printed locally from the funds available with the local offices to meet the requirement till the same are dispatched from the Directorate of PR, PP & OL. The pamphlet and poster may also be translated in the regional language and got printed for distribution during meetings to be held with the taxpayers.
Three Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide Circulars No. 17, 24 and 25 of 2016 on the Scheme have now been placed on the website inside “IDS-2016! New” Section for distribution in the meetings to be held with the taxpayers, tax professionals, etc. The same may also kindly be translated in the regional language at the local level.
A slide-show and a TV Commercial have also been placed on the website, which may be used in the meetings to be held by the Departmental officers with the taxpayer groups. If required, these may be got translated in the regional language.
References have been received from certain Regions that the “IDS Dashboard” on the incometaxindia website does not allow uploading of more than one In this regard it is suggested that multiple selection of pictures at the time of uploading may be avoided. The system would upload one picture at a time with ease. If still the problem remains, the pictures may be emailed to webmanager@incometax.gov.in , clearly mentioning the details of the event (place, time, date, officer holding the meeting, etc.) so that the same can be uploaded by the technical team from backend.
Yours faithfully,
(Anand Jha)
Commissioner (IT&CT)