Resolutions to be proposed at the ensuing AGM

Friends pl add on to do list immediately after 28th April

Resolutions to be proposed at the ensuing AGM

1)      Increase in borrowing limit and creation of charge – S/180 (I) (c) & 180 (I) (a)

2)      Accepting Public Deposits – S/73 & 76

3)      Change/ Alteration in AOA –Adopt Table F

4)      Invt. in other body Corporates – S/186

5)      Appointment of Branch Auditors (Dubai Branch)

6)      Related Party transactions, if any – S/188

7)      Appointment of Auditors – Within 3yrs of notification S/139 (2)

8)      Issue of Securities (CPs etc) on Pvt. Placement – S/42

9)      Appt of CFO & other KMPs – Board approval as 203

10)   Fixing Remuneration of KMPS – Board approval as 203

11)   Appt. of independent directors – S/149(10) to (12)

Actions immediately to be taken on  notification of the Act

1)      Identify related parties – To be notified to a/cs and SAP team

2)      Print new Business letters, bills etc with CIN no. – s/12(3) (c)

3)      Devise CSR policy & spending – s/135

4)      Adopt new Whistle Blower Policy – Vigil mechanism – 177(10)

5)      File Return on Public Deposits within 3 months – 74(1)

6)      Return on change in Top 10 shareholders – within 15 days –  S/93

7)      To obtain positive consent for receiving documents by email (S/101)

8)      Obtain certificate of Independence from Directors S/149 (7)

10)   Terms of reference of Audit committee –Additional items to be placed before audit committee at each meeting – S/177 (4)

11)   Nomination & Remuneration policy to be approved by Board – S/178 (3) & (2)

12)   Terms of reference of Stakeholder committee – Additional items to be placed before the Committee – S/178 (6)

13)   Devise Code for independent Directors – Schedule IV

14)   Observe Secretarial standards for Board & General meetings S/118 (10)

15)   Reconstitute Board (within 1year)– for (i) appl. of ID’s for 5yrs (ii) not liable to retire by rotation –S/149 (10) to (13)

16)   Maintain Register of KMPs – S/170

17)   Can pay sitting fees upto Rs. 1lakh S/197 (5)

18)   Check the compliance required by unlisted Public companies (if paid-up/networth exceed prescribed limits)- refer Annexure (will be circulated separately)

Additional compliances

1)      To attend at least 1 Board Meeting in 12 months or vacate office S/167 (1) (b)

2)      Change in top 10 shareholders S/93

3)      File Board Resolutions passed  U/S 179

4)      File Report on AGM – S/121

5)      Postal Ballot Applicable to Pvt. Cos – S/110
6)      Directors Responsibility Statement – Clause  (e) & (f) of S/134 (5) have laid down adequate “internal financial controls” (defined in the Act) – To devise policy on internal financial controls.

7)      Auditors – Appoint for 5yrs – Existing limit to be considered S/139 (2) – Ratification every year

8)      To inform auditor & ROC about appointment within 15 days – S/139

9)      Relative of auditor not to hold shares in excess of Rs. 1lakh S/141