Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue, CBEC
Drawback Division
4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building,
New Delhi, Parliament Street,
Dated: 30th June, 2016
All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners
All Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals
All Principal Commissioners/Commissioners, under CBEC
Madam / Sir,
Subject: Launch of special drive from 1.7.2016 to 30.9.2016 to resolve certain pending issues in drawback cases – reg.
A delegation of the office bearers of Delhi Exporters Association (All India Body of Exporters) met Chairman (CBEC) on 22.6.2016 and requested that there be no letup in the timely disposal of AIR Drawback claims. Certain instances of field formations asking for “no overdue payments” certificates from banks w.r.t. realization of export proceeds or raising of generalized queries or queries for producing documents that prima facie do not have specificity to the claims were brought to notice of Chairman. Drawback hold up on account of EGM mis‑match was highlighted. The field formations insisting on timely “supplementary” claims from exporters when the drawback Cells had, themselves, in the past, made drawback “zero-zero” without following normal procedure or principles of natural justice was also raised and the Association pointed out that “zero-zero” drawback was an administrative action so such insistence by field formations was not appropriate.
2. In the above connection, the undersigned is directed to say that the Board desires that the Zones continue to ensure there is no hold up of drawback and that processable cases are disbursed timely. Further, resolving EGM mis-match by Airlines should be made a continuous process via regular Trade Facilitation Committee meetings. Insofar as a seeking realization certificate from Banks is concerned, the Zones are aware that the new electronic RBI-BRC Module is effective for exports with LEO dates from 1.4.2014 onwards. This obviates need to routinely seek documents from the large majority of compliant exporters. Even for earlier shipping bills, the Commissioners should be instructed to personally ensure that outstanding issues are resolved in a trade friendly manner.
3. The Board has also decided that Commissioners shall launch a concerted drive from 1.7.2016 to 30.9.2016 to –
(a) weed out generalized queries or irrelevant requests for information in queried cases by undertaking a review of the database of queries and resolve such queried cases;
(b) redress the above cited type of zero-zero drawback cases where exporters have produced the documents/replied to queries
Yours /faithfully,
(Dinesh Kumar Gupta)
Tel: 23360581