UNEP report proposes sustainable financial system in India

invest-13-2-15UNEP India Inquiry in partnership with FICCI released an interim report proposing key recommendations on designing the Indian financial system in a way that will channel finance and unlock private capital towards clean energy financing and other sustainable development priorities.
Interim Report on “Designing a sustainable financial system for India” becomes significant in light of the upcoming Renewable Energy Meet and Expo (RE-Invest) starting on February 15, 2015 in New Delhi, where financing and investment friendly framework will be major planks of discussion, said a release.
The report highlights some of the key recommendations that developing a sustainability oriented market framework would require in terms of investing in sustainable infrastructure and increase the long term viability of infrastructure projects, incentivising public sector investments and capacity building in the MSME sector, it said.
The UNEP Inquiry is a global initiative launched at Davos in 2014 with the aim of advancing policy options to scale up capital for sustainable development. It is working across 15 countries and is looking at innovations in banking, capital markets, insurance and investment policies.
FICCI-UNEP has proposed feasible options to meet this challenge in the larger context for transformation of the Indian financial regulatory landscape, regulations and incentives that will channel finance into sustainable development priorities, and innovative markets for clean energy financing, it said.