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    FASSAI [Food License]

    Any entrepreneur who wants to start a business in the food sector, be it food processing or food manufacturing, packaging or distributing, has to register for Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). FSSAI License or FSSAI Registration is mandatory before starting a food or related business. FSSAI monitors these businesses under the guidelines and regulations listed in FSSAI Act 2006.


    ComplianceIndia can help you obtain your FSSAI Registration quickly and hassle-free.

    What is FSSAI?


    Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an independent body recognised under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.


    The main aim of FSSAI is to regulate and check for safe food manufacturing, storage, and handling practices by Food Business Operators (FBOs). A FSSAI registration certificate comes with a 14-digit License number to FBOs which is required to be printed on all the food products with FSSAI logo. The license can be applied for a minimum 1 year to maximum 5 years; it can again be renewed or re-applied as per rules stated under Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.

    Advantages of FSSAI Registration

    Food Safety

    It facilities food safety measures and regulates the process of food manufacturing, storage, handling practices, distribution, sale and import of food.

    Product Quality

    It spreads awareness among consumer regarding quality of product they are consuming.

    Enhances Credibility

    It allows Food Businesses to improve and enhance their credibility in market.


    The FSSAI logo is widely recognized and hence it can ensure goodwill among consumers.

    Legal Benefits

    It provides legal benefits to FSSAI Registered businesses over the competitors.

    Better Hygiene and cleanliness

    The important aspects of hygiene and cleanliness are regulated and followed time to time.

    Liability to apply for FSSAI Registration and License

    For all food-related businesses such as manufacturing, trading, restaurants, small eateries, grocery shop, importers, exporters, home-based food businesses, dairy farms, processors, it is mandatory to get an FSSAI license or FSSAI registration before commencing with the Company. This 14 digit FSSAI license number gives information about the producer’s permit.

    Validity of FSSAI License

    FSSAI license issued to food businesses are valid for a period of minimum 1 year to maximum 5 years. It can again be renewed or re-applied as per rules stated under Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.


    It is mandatory to apply for license renewal within 30 days before the expiry of the existing license. Non-renewal of licenses can fetch a fine of Rs. 100 per day until the renewal is done. Any lapse in renewal within the stipulated date can result in the old license becoming defunct and businesses will have to apply for a fresh license.

    How we Work?

    Step 1

    Fill-up our Contact Form and Submit

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Our Expert will apply for FSSAI Certificate.

    Step 6

    Step 7

    Types of FSSAI Registration

    Sometimes it becomes difficult for a food business operator to decide – which license to opt for: State or Central. Let us help you to understand the eligibility criteria so that you can quickly proceed for online FSSAI registration and acquire requisite food license.

    FSSAI Basic Registration: If the annual turnover of the food business is less than 12 lakhs then such food business operators are eligible to obtain FSSAI Basic Registration
    FSSAI State License If the annual turnover of the food business is between 12 lakhs to 20 crores then such food business operators shall opt for FSSAI State License
    FSSAI Central License If the annual turnover of the food business is Rs. 20 crores or more then such food business operators shall opt for FSSAI Central License

    Documents Required for FSSAI Registration


    Form B – completed and signed

    Form B – completed and signed

    Photo ID of the Food Business Operator

    Photo ID of the Food Business Operator

    Proof of possession of premises (Rental Agreement)

    Proof of possession of premises (Rental Agreement)

    Partnership Deed / Certificate of Incorporation / Articles of Association

    Partnership Deed / Certificate of Incorporation / Articles of Association

    List of food products

    List of food products

    Food safety management system plan

    Food safety management system plan


    Documents State Central
    Form- B completed and signed by the Proprietor or Partner or Authorized Signatory. YES YES
    Blueprint/layout of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing companies only). YES YES
    List of Directors / Partners / Proprietor with full address, contact details and Photo ID (Mandatory for Companies only). YES YES
    Name and list of equipment and machinery along with the number, installed capacity, and horsepower used (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only) YES YES
    List of food categories desired to be manufactured. (In case of manufacturers) YES YES
    Authority letter with name and address of the responsible person, nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them YES YES
    Analysis report of water to be used as an ingredient in food from a recognized or public health laboratory to confirm the portability (mandatory only for manufacturing and processing units) YES YES
    Proof of possession of premises. (sale deed, rent agreement or electricity bill, etc.) YES YES
    Partnership Deed or Declaration for Proprietorship or MOA & AOA along with Certificate of Incorporation and List of Directors with the address. YES
    In the case of Company, three pages must be uploaded:
    First Page – Certificate of Incorporation,
    Second Page – Authorization of food business activity and
    Third Page – List of Directors with addresses).
    Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act – 1861 / Multi-State Coop Act – 2002 In the case of Co-operatives. If applicable
    NOC & Copy of License from the manufacturer (Mandatory for Relabellers and Repackers). YES YES
    Food Safety Management System Plan or certificate. YES If any
    Source of milk or procurement plan for milk, including the location of milk collection centers in case of milk and milk products processing units In the case of Milk and Milk Products processing If applicable
    Sources of raw material for meat and meat processing plants. YES If applicable
    Pesticide residues report of water in units manufacturing packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water, and carbonated water from a recognized / public health laboratory. YES YES
    Recall plan wherever applicable. YES With details on whom the product is distributed
    NOC from Municipality or Local Body (optional). YES If applicable
    Form IX: Nomination of persons by a company along with the board resolution YES YES
    Certificate provided by Ministry of Tourism (HRACC). YES Mandatory for Hotels
    For transporters – Self-declaration of the number of vehicles. YES YES
    Declaration form – For Delhi or Himachal Pradesh. IE Code document issued by DGFT. FSSAI Declaration Form.
    Supporting documentary proof of turnover.
    Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU.
    NOC/PA documents issued by FSSAI.

    Our Charges

    Our charges for FSSAI Registration starts from Rs. 4,999/-.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the full form of FSSAI?

    The full form of FSSAI is the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

    2. What is FoSCos?

    3. Why Register Under FSSAI and get FoSCos License?

    4. What is the difference between FSSAI/FoSCos/Food License?

    5. What are the types of FoSCos Food Licenses?

    6. How much does FoSCos Food License Registration under FSSAI cost?

    7. What are the documents required for FoSCos License Registration?

    8. What is the validity period for the FSSAI FoSCos License?

    9. Please advise on FSSAI License requirement for operating a food business in more than one state with the same name of the company or organization?

    10. I am importing food items for selling in India even then it requires FoSCos Food License?

    11. Can I transfer my FSSAI License to someone else?

    12. I am planning to sell some Homemade food items online on a small scale, do I need to get a FSSAI enabled FoSCos License?

    13. How can I make changes to my existing FSSAI Certificate?

    14. Is the FoSCos license needed for a catering business authorized by the Central Government?

    15. Will I require different Licenses if I am conducting different type of food business activities at the same premise?

    16. Is FSSAI License required for utensils/packaging material used for serving or packaging of food?

    17. For 100% export units, is it mandatory to take FSSAI License?

    18. Do medical stores need to get a license if they are selling dietary foods and Nutraceuticals?

    19. Am I required to file annual return for my food business activities?

    20. When should I get the FSSAI License renewed?

    21. What will happen if I forget to renew my Food License?


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